Shawn Scott, MA, LPCC

Your Wellness Partner

Shawn Scott, MA, LPCC

Envision Your Life

It all began with a question: How may I use my traits and gifts of being reflective, intuitive, creative and harmonious with my desire for inner wealth and healing to serve the course of human growth and development. The question itself yielded a series of breadcrumbs which illuminated my path and lead to a defining moment which has placed me in the helping profession .

Now, as a counselor certified in the areas of trauma and grief, it is my belief and professional experience that grief, loss, and trauma are interconnected.  They can often be the foundation of depression, anxiety and a myriad of other issues. I have assisted individuals in exploring the root of their pain while mindfully providing them with the tools necessary to ground them amid revealing their most intimate details. Often, throughout my clinical experience, I have heard, “pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.”  It is a phrase I have passed on to others as I have attended to their pain. Whether through individual counseling or a group setting, many have been empowered by knowing it is within their capacity to choose the depth and manner which they process their pain. It is often with that discovery one can begin to see a clearer path and release the chains of suffering which have bound their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Upon this discovery, it is my hope that each person will live life, each day, with clarity and freedom.

As a Xavier University graduate and a licensed professional counselor, my education and experience has equipped me with the tools needed to collaborate, partner and facilitate one’s own self-discovery on a journey toward well-being. 

As a writer, I have works centered on grief, healing, love, rejection, abandonment and forgiveness. Nearly a decade,  I have served the community by using my voice to inspire those who are blind and empower groups which support change.

Ultimately, my purpose is to guide one on an authentic journey to find meaning, heal wounds and discover one’s own internal wealth.

“You must be willing to let go of the life you have planned in order to have the life that is waiting for you” ~ Joseph Campbell